
Showing posts from February, 2021

Papercraft research

       The French-based artists Zim and Zou (Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann) create beautifully detailed colourful sculptures made from simple materials such as paper. Every inch of their work is meticulosity put together and a joy to look at. the pieces they made recreating retro technology in the vibrantly coloured paper is my personal favourite.       Out of the many creations, they made the camera from above is by far the coolest to me just because of all the detail especially the purple grip part. On their website, they have a video timelapse showcasing the creation of much of the collection. The process involves them taking measurements from the real-world counterparts and noting them so when they start cutting the paper they can get to be the same size as what they are recreating. all the process shown in the video is them sitting down at a cutting mat meticulously cutting paper into the correct dimensions or shutting out tiny details...

Mashup project part 3: this time its personal (Rhino 6.0 edition)

 I really enjoyed playing around with the textures and tools available in the rhino program. I settled on using a plastic texture because I wanted my object to look like a weird cheap toy. I had also toyed with a metallic texture as you'll see

mashup project 2

For my Refined project, I combined the first idea with the alligator toilet mixed with the tower from the elephant concept. the idea behind the more refined version is both alligators in sewers and great dragons at the top of towers.     when it comes to the advice I was given from my group I Used most of it. the first thing I was told to do was to scrap the CRT monitor from the back of the toilet. I did that initially because it was covering up a broken model so for the final, I also fixed the toilet model for this to work. The CRT monitor really made no sense in the whole concept anyway so I didn't mind removing it. the broken toilet model really just fixed itself when I imported it into MeshMixer.       I used the concept of mashing up multiple ideas to create this object. the concept of alligators or crocodiles in the sewers is an urban legend and then I thought that since alligators are reptiles I could use them to replace a dragon on top of a tow...